Saturday, November 2, 2013

Adventure Time!

I may actually be getting on track here for the 30 Days of Thanks! I'm shocked and in awe that I actually have some time to collect my thoughts and write. It could be because both my boys are under the weather and tucked in for the night. I wish they were both feeling better but I'll cherish the silence and me time however I can get it.

Today's thankful moment is brought to you by impromptu adventure in mommying. My husband and our dear friend were treated to free tickets to the San Diego Brewers Guild Beer Fest and Bug and I were the designated driver and tag along.  Josh and Doug had an awesome time. Below is evidence A. 

Bug and I were free to just do whatever we wanted. He requested Yaya's House so we hung out at my parents for awhile. When it was time to pick up the boys, Bug and I got in a little early and the boys were running a little behind. To kill some time it thought I'd show Bug the Star of India and the other cool ships in the marina. A visiting ship, the Arc Gloria, is visitng from Columbia and was free to tour. I was real lye cited to take Bug on his first boat. We climbed aboard and he was so excited. The ropes and sails were flowing in the wind and the waves rocked the ship gently. It was awesome getting to experience all of this with Bug.

He was so cute exploring the cabins and seeing the sailors working. He tried so hard to climb the steep stairs by himself. Some were just to steep and dangerous but always the chivalrous young man he'd say to me, "Momma Help." He was such a sweet date. 

I am so thankful for the impromptu adventures that are placed in our way. It's a blessing to try new things and experience through my Bug's eyes. 

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