Monday, June 20, 2011

Sickeningly Sweet

Today has been awesome. I feel like Bug is my little lucky charm. We had our 24 week appointment today and along with that was the dreaded 1 hour glucose tolerance test. I’ll be honest and say I’ve feared this most for a completely silly reason…I’d have to drink a nasty flat Orange Fanta flavored beverage. I hate orange soda. To me it’s so unnatural and burns and is disgusting. I feared vomiting from the sugar if, and only if, I was even able to get it done in the first place. As luck aka God’s blessing shining down upon this poor tired pregnant woman would have it, I was spared! When I was handed this cold clear glass of fluid I was pleasantly surprised to find the most “delicious” flat, sickeningly sweet lemon lime glucola. I practically lived off of Sprite or the like for my entire first trimester so I knew I could hang in there and get it down. I doubt I will crave Sprite anymore this pregnancy but man was I relieved.

The appointment was awesome as usually. Bug is growing normally and is perfect in every way. My little sugar fiend was having a blast during the brief exam. The Doctor mentioned that the scratches we were hearing during his Doppler exam were from all of his movements. If he is anything like his father, I’m going to have big trouble on my hands when this kid is given sugar.

After the appointment we ran to get some teriyaki grill so I wouldn’t crash when the glucola’s effects wore out. It was delicious and I’m so thankful it worked. I had already started feeling really sluggish and blah until I got the best text in a long time. I had won the Beaba Babycook from Mandy’s OMG…I’m a Mom blog. I’d been following Mandy from my Weddingbee days back in 2007-2008 so I was really excited when I found her new blog(s) when I was planning to plan conceiving.

The only thing I’ve know for certain about this motherhood thing is that I wanted to cook for my baby. I want to share my love of food with him and teach him what I know. In our home the kitchen is the happy place, the safe place, the center of our home. I want Bug to love it the way his father and I do. Of all the important purchases for an expectant mother to think about, the Beaba Babycook was the only thing I knew for sure I wanted and had actually researched. When I saw Mandy’s give-a-way it felt like destiny, like Bug was meant to have this and I was meant to make some really awesome food for him. I’m really excited to play around with this and make some totally awesome foods for him. First up is vanilla scented pears from Smitten Kitchen. This baby food thing is so going to rock. Thanks Mandy!

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