Friday, March 11, 2016

And then there were two

Today we are 19 weeks exactly with our second little boy. He's a tiny miracle in and of himself. He's also in trouble for causing so much stress at his anatomy scan. 

The kid wouldn't cooperate so now we have to go back for round two. He gave so much trouble that even after an hour and a half the poor radiology tech couldn't get clear pictures of his 4 heart chambers and full spine. He has a good, strong heartbeat of 158 though so I'm a tad more relieved. He's also super handsome. We found his big brothers scans and compared them. I make some really handsome boys!

It's all still a shock. All of it. We had been told that more children wouldn't really be in our family picture without a lot of money, advanced medical help, and plenty of prayers. We had finally prepared ourselves to be "one and done" when we got a huge surprise. God definitely had other plans in mind for our family and after almost 2 years of tears we were blessed with our brand new baby fetus. 

It's been an interesting ride with this little one. The pregnancy was so different than before that I, and everyone around me, swore we would be having a little girl. Again, plan and God laughs. We are officially having our second little fella and couldn't be happier. 

He's quite the mover and shaker. He's been flipping and kicking since 9 weeks! That's ridiculous and no one believed me until I told them where they could find him on the ultrasounds or Doppler. What can I say? This kid and I have a connection. 

It's going to be a long, strange, and kinda scary ride towards parenting two. I'm nervous and excited. Let's watch and see what happens next!

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